Congratulations!! It's time to CELEBRATE!

Take a moment, right now, to celebrate what you accomplished, for your mind and your body!

Celebrate each day that you were on The Reboot, each day you nourished your body with organic, whole, raw produce, healing your body on a cellular level and elevating your wellness.

Reflect on how you feel, what you learned and what you want to keep in mind as you move back into eating solid foods.

When this Reboot comes to an end, let it also be the beginning of a new lifestyle of eating healthy.

If you feel called to, please consider donating to The Reboot to help support the program and the website.

Let’s review the important tips shared in the previous blog post plus a few more to ensure a successful break of The Reboot.

As you integrate solid foods back into your diet, be mindful that your digestive system has been in a state of complete rest.

Monitor how you feel & listen to your body!!

In the days following this cleanse, you have a unique opportunity to identify potential food allergens or sensitivities.  If you suspect that you may have a sensitivity to wheat, dairy, nuts, soy or anything else, systematically add these foods back into your diet one at a time. By only adding one of these items back into your diet at a time, you will be able to identify if any of these foods are a trigger for you.

Gradually reintroduce food back into your system!

Breaking any cleanse is an important part of your entire cleansing journey.  Breaking a cleanse safely and responsibly will ensure the end-results of your cleanse go a long way.  Don’t be tempted to go all out and eat everything you’ve been craving while on The Reboot. This is potentially dangerous since your stomach may have shrunk considerably. 

My favorite way to come off a cleanse is with smoothies the first few days and slowly easing my way back into eating solid foods again by way of soups and salads.

The first few “solid” meals may move through your digestive system and sweep out any plaque or waste that have loosened from the Raw Juice Week.  It may cause some discomfort but will pass in a few hours.

Wait until you are hungry before you take your next meal. Resist the temptation to eat just because it’s “lunch time”.  Continue to eat lighter, fresh fruits and vegetables, including juices, gradually increasing the amount of solid foods over the next few days.

The items I recommend to absolutely avoid the first few days after The Reboot:

· red meat

· dairy

· alcohol

· caffeine

· processed and/or fried foods


Here are some suggestions on what you may want to eat:

· Clear broths:  vegetable or bone, gradually moving to thicker soups like home-made pumpkin, broccoli, tomato, or mushroom soups. Avoid canned soups as they are high in sodium.

· Any soft fruits such as apples, avocados, bananas, berries, melons, mangos, papayas, pears, peaches.

· Any leafy vegetables like lettuce, endive, purple, rocket, spinach, gradually moving to “harder” vegetables like bell peppers, cucumber, celery, jicama, cabbage, etc.  

· Lightly steam asparagus, beetroot, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, sweet potato, fresh peas, etc.  

Two or three days after the end of The Reboot, you can make fresh salads with homemade dressings.  Be cautious with store-bought dressings. Read the labels and avoid ones with any high sodium and/or sugar contents and artificial food additives.


A quick recap when breaking this cleanse:

· Decide ahead what permissible food you will eat when you next feel hungry—see suggestion listed above. Keeping in mind that it may take a few days to acclimate to eating solid foods. Do not jump ahead and eat everything!

· Take time to chew your food well. The enzymes in your saliva will help with the digestion, putting less stress on your digestive system which is not yet fully awake.

· Eat only when you’re hungry and not by the clock. Eat because you’re hungry, not because of cravings. Listen to your body and be mindful of what you eat and what it does to your body.

· Once you are back on track with eating normally, give yourself a small treat at your favorite restaurant. Celebrate and share with loved one on your little success.

· Continue to eat healthily after the cleanse.

Endings are always bittersweet but endings always allow for new beginnings.  Let this be the beginning of your journey towards a lifelong, healthier lifestyle.

Cheers to you and your health!!

It has been my honor and privilege to have had you onboard for this season’s Reboot. Thank you for reaching out to me with your questions, concerns, updates, progress and for sharing your lives and journey with me.

If you ever need any advice or just want to chat, you know where to reach me!

Supreme blessings,

Amy Weir

Happy Friday - We're nearly to the finish line!

In just 3 short days we will be concluding The Reboot! For some, it will be a much welcomed time. For others, it may bring feelings of apprehension. It’s my hope that this post will help bring about a celebratory feeling and ease any concern.

Breaking a cleanse is an important part of your entire cleansing journey.  Breaking a cleanse safely and responsibly will ensure the end-results of your cleanse go a long way.

In an ideal world we’d come off The Reboot exactly the way we entered it but in reverse. In our case, that would be, a week of smoothies followed by a week of whole, raw foods before reintroducing any other foods. If this is something you feel you can do, more power to you!

If that’s not your jam, please take at least two to three days of smoothies or blended soups followed by softer raw foods for another two to three days. It’s best to begin with fruit for a day before vegetables since they are easier to digest. If you were scarf down a plate of….let’s say, spaghetti with meat sauce, you’ll likely be doubled-over with stomach cramps.

The first few “solid” meals may move through your digestive system and sweep out any plaque or waste that may have loosened from the Raw Juice Week. It may cause some discomfort but will pass in a few hours.

Monitor how you feel & listen to your body!!

In the days following the Reboot, you have a unique opportunity to identify potential food allergens or sensitivities.  If you suspect that you may have a sensitivity to wheat, dairy, nuts, soy or anything else, systematically add these foods back into your diet one at a time. By only adding one of these items back into your diet at a time, you will be able to identify if any of these foods are a trigger for you.

To mitigate the return of any weight you may have lost during The Reboot, consider making the eating protocol part of your daily or weekly eating routine. If we return to eating the way we did before The Reboot, the lightness and clarity you may have experienced while on The Reboot will also subside.

To lend a little inspiration to integrate The Reboot’s protocol into your eating routine, I invite you to take a moment to acknowledge what attitudes and beliefs around food surfaced during The Reboot. Did you perhaps notice an emotional relationship to eating? Did you make any connections between the synergy of foods you ate on The Reboot with your mind and body? There’s nothing like being deprived of our comfort or accustomed routines to learn more about our unconscious attitudes towards food (or anything else in life for that matter). How will you stay conscious of the food choices you will be faced within the coming weeks? Please feel free to share any of your answers in the Comments section below this post.

For more helpful tips on ending The Reboot, please visit The Post-Boot page on the website.

As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, concerns, and experiences you would like to share.

Cheers to your health,


Week 3 - Raw Juice Week


As we head into Raw Juice Week - the final leg of The Reboot (🎉Woo-Hoo🎉) - let’s review some important aspects of this week.

Juicing by way of a juicer or straining blended fruits and vegetables, separate the juice from the pulp, comprised mostly of fiber. Pulp contains the majority of calories in fruits and vegetables so juice is a favorite for weight loss and cleansing.

Liquids are absorbed by the body more quickly and completely because absorption of the many vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from juicing starts right away, as soon as they enter our mouth. Solid foods take more time to digest, and unless we chew our food thoroughly, we don't get as much nutrition from raw, whole foods as we do from its liquid form.

Juicing should be a pleasant experience.  It should taste pleasing and not nauseating. It’s very important to listening to ones body.  After drinking juices, our stomach should be calm the whole day long, not churning and growling and leaving us with a queasy feeling. If this happens, our body is telling us that we have probably consumed something which our stomach is not accustomed to. We can condition our stomach by taking the same item in smaller amounts in the future, diluting it with water and gradually increasing the amount.

How much juice can we drink? Drink as much as you can comfortably drink, all the time listening to your body. Your body is smart enough to tell you what it wants (but you just have to train it to want the healthy stuff). When you feel hungry, drink. When your body has had enough, you will know; it will feel “forced” when you’re drinking.

Even the best brands of bottled juices don't come close to delivering all the nutrients found in homemade juice.  If you do buy bottled juice, find the juices in the produce and/or refrigerated section and be sure to read the label.  Make sure it contains 100% COLD-PRESSED juice, and nothing else. NEVER buy pasteurized.  Avoid 'concentrated' juices unless you know for certain that they were made using the 'frozen' technique.

Once again, I’d like to share this EXCELLENT article on “Healing Reactions” from juicing. In fact, the entire website has a wealth of information on juicing well worth exploring.

Whenever the topic of plant-based eating and especially juicing are brought up in conversation, protein seems to always been a topic on controversy. Because this segment of the cleanse is only 7 days (short-term), as long as we are juicing a variety of fruits and vegetables, the amount of protein we will be getting should be enough to sustain us throughout the week. 

Keep in mind that this is not the week to start a new workout routine or max ourselves out at the gym!  This is the week to treat ourselves gently and with as much TLC as possible.  Try starting a meditation practice, find a Yin Yoga, try calisthenics, enjoy a sauna or leisurely walks around your neighborhood.

But if you are still concerned about getting enough protein, consider this information from Dr. Michael Greger, FACLM, author of ‘How Not To Die’ and founder of

"Adults require no more than 0.8 to 0.9 grams of protein per healthy kilogram of body weight per day. Take your ideal weight in pounds, multiplied by 4, and then divided by 10. So, someone whose ideal weight is 100 pounds may require up to 40 grams of protein a day. On average, they probably only need about 30 grams a day, which is .66 grams per kilogram. But we say 0.8 or 0.9 because everyone’s different, and we want to capture most of the bell curve. People are more likely to suffer from protein excess than protein deficiency. The adverse effects associated with long-term, high protein diets may include disorders of bone and calcium balance, disorders of kidney function, increased cancer risk, disorders of the liver, and worsening of coronary artery disease. Therefore, there is currently no reasonable scientific basis to recommend protein consumption above the current recommended daily allowance, due to its potential disease risks."

If protein is still a concern, consider adding some or all of the following to your juicing process:

1 cup of Green Peas = 8 grams of protein
1 cup of Yellow Corn = 5 grams of protein
1 cup of Asparagus = 5 grams of protein
1 cup of Broccoli = 4 grams of protein
1 cup of Cauliflower = 5 grams of protein
1 cup of Kale = 4 grams of protein

Ever wonder if there are ‘unjuiceable’ fruits and vegetables….click here to find out.

Don’t have a juicer?

No problem, pick up a Nut Milk Bag or a fine sieve and then watch this video:

As always, please stay in touch with your questions, concerns, comments, victories and struggles.

Just 7 more days…

Stay vigilant, stay the course.

You’ve got this!

You can do it!

Cheers to your health,


Half Way Through Week 2 & Half Way Through The Reboot!

Yay!!! We’ve reached the halfway mark between Week 2 and The Reboot!!!

If you are still with us….


…to YOU!!!!

Today should be the day our minds, bodies and spirit begin to change as it becomes more acclimated to consuming nutrient-dense, whole, raw, living foods as it's main source of sustenance. Some might notice their concentration feeling sharper, senses becoming heightened, energy levels starting to become more sustained and their complexions brightening. Some might have the complete opposite reaction.

If that is the case, ‘keep in mind that everyone will experience results and physical adjustments differently, depending on prior practices related to nutrition as well as activity and metabolism.’…quoted from an excellent article that was recently shared by a Telegram Rebooter. I highly recommend reading it in it’s entirety and take note of the common detox symptoms (or what I like to call, ‘healing reactions’) and why they are happening.

To highlight one of my favorite articles on “Healing Reactions”:

Healing reactions usually appear AFTER you begin to feel better. The first one may just be mild as your body is responding to the healing. Subsequent reactions may last for a day or up to three days in more severe cases. Old pains may happen many months later as you continue to eat healthily. One thing for sure, they will occur in longer intervals and for shorter periods and lesser intensity each time, as your body works towards healing. It heals one part at a time and you will see healing moving throughout your body. When you encounter a healing reaction, depending on the severity, you may be tempted to [leave The Reboot]. When you [leave] because of a healing reaction that your body cannot handle, the released toxins are not being eliminated properly and continue to stay in your body. Some of them may be reabsorbed into the tissues. When a flare-up lasts more than three days, is severe and causing a weakening condition, it could be something more serious, so please seek medical help immediately.

If you are suffering from a lack of satiation during this week, be sure to add more dark, leafy-green vegetables, avocados, pre-soaked nuts, chia seeds, and hemp seeds to your smoothies and monitor your water intake closely.

How are you feelings emotionally? Some Telegram Rebooters are starting to feel a little more emotionally fragile. Others are feeling the connection between body, mind and spirit as they continue to flood their systems with the biogenic and bioactive foods of the protocol. During the first ‘cleanse’, one of my favorite perceptions shared was finding happiness in feeling hungry.  The happiness came from noticing a distinct difference in thoughts coming from the mind and thoughts coming from the body.  That's quite a profound realization.  Remember, this cleanse is not about the weight loss, it's about raising our awareness and vibrational energy by resetting and reconnecting with our bodies and their relationship with life-sustaining foods while cleaning out our system.

In three days we will be starting Week 3 - Raw Juices. 

In anticipation of next week’s most common question, 'How do I know I am getting enough nutrients in my (smoothies and) juices?', I offer this explanation:

Blending and juicing unlock the energizing nutrients in plants.  When we juice, we extract the slow-to-digest fibers, giving our body a concentrated elixir of vitamins and minerals that are essential to making our body hum at a cellular level. The energy that we would have needed to break down all the veggies and fruits if consumed whole, can instead be directed elsewhere.


There’s a lot of differing opinions on what the ‘proper’ vegetable to fruit ratio is to insure we get the ‘proper balance’ of nutrients.  I feel VARIETY IS KEY to insuring we are getting the nutrients our body needs!  I lean towards more dark, leafy, greens and cruciferous vegetables than fruits, which I would guess is a 4:1 ratio.

It’s easy to get into a routine of blending and juicing more fruits than vegetables because that is what we typically see on the grocery store shelves.  Don’t be afraid of juicing a whole cucumbers with a few cups of spinach, an apple and some lemon or a few cups of kale with half a dozen carrots, a cucumber and lime.  We need to learn to balance the flavors of vegetable juice with some milder, sweeter fruit juices. Taste as you go and balance by adding more of one thing or another, and if your juice tastes a little flat, add a shot of lemon or lime juice.

For a 'little' inspiration for next week, start planning your juice menus with over 200 juice recipes.

My ABSOLUTE favorite juice to start ALL my days with is celery juice!  If you would like to read just some of the benefits of this wonderful herb (yup - it's an herb, not a vegetable) along with “how-to's” click here.

As always, please stay in touch with your questions, concerns, comments, victories and struggles.

And in case nobody has told you lately, ‘You’re doing awesome!’

Cheers to your health,


PS - this morning I found a very informative, hilarious and thought-provoking podcast Kate & Oliver Hudson did with Anthony William that I thought you might get a kick out of listening to! Enjoy!

Day 1 of Week 2 - Becoming Best Friends With Your Blender

We have entered the Raw Smoothie Week.

This week can be rather challenging for a lot of Rebooters, me included. But with over 22 million results found on Google, we are sure to find at least one Raw Smoothie Recipe that will satisfy us.

A few of the bigger concerns during this week are HUNGER, STOMACH UPSET, and LOW ENERGY.

To help solve those issues, let’s review a few key points of an articles published by

1. Drinking Your Smoothie Too Fast -

Eating fruit whole will leave you feeling full a lot sooner than when you blend and drink it down. This is normal, as studies have shown that consuming your meal by drinking it carries a high risk of over-consumption. So drinking smoothies too fast can trick your body into consuming more than your daily caloric needs. You start feeling hungry after an hour or two even after gulping down a big jug of your favorite power smoothie, which makes it easier to gain weight, even if what you reach for is another smoothie.

So what's the solution? You can discipline yourself into drinking slower, but my favorite is making smoothie bowls. There’s not much you do differently, except that you eat your smoothie with a spoon and you can add some cut, un-blended fruit to it. This gives you more time to enjoy your meal with better results for your metabolism and energy.

2. Drinking Too Little -

Going too low on your energy intake can lead to brain fog and all sorts of unhealthy snacking as your body desperately tries to fuel up.  

If you take smoothies instead of meals, and not just as a healthy addition to your day, you really shouldn’t be afraid of making them bigger. As long as you drink them slowly, remember? Weight loss or weight gain from smoothies is all about the quantity and the way you consume them.

3. Combining The Wrong Fruits/Vegetables/Greens -

The simple secret to really good smoothies is this: less is better. The more ingredients you put in your blender, the higher your chances of drinking something that tastes weird. Weird combinations, and especially weird combinations in large quantities, can lead to digestive problems, bloating, and gas, as well as energy swings and weight gain. As a rule of thumb, stick with 1-3 kinds of fruit and 1 kind of vegetable or green, and avoid adding large amounts of seeds, nuts or oils in your smoothie.

As a reminder from the previous post, smoothies do not have to be all about fruit. All one has to do is search for ‘raw vegan soup recipes’ and you’ll be met with hundreds of savory dishes that can be enjoyed this week. My favorites are listed on the Recipe page, and a few Rebooters have recommended several that are featured on one of my favorite websites "The Spruce Eats". Please keep in mind that if the recipes call for ‘solid’ garnishes, it’s best to include them in the blending process or omit them altogether.

So as we get further into this week, take it slow, keep it simple and remember to keep drinking water!

As always, please stay in touch with your questions, concerns, victories and struggles.

Happy blending,


Day 5 of Week 1 Check-in

I hope you all have been enjoying and exploring the many raw food recipes available on the web site and at other raw food websites.  There are so many to choose from and there’s been some really great ones shared on Telegram (now on the website).  If you’ve found a favorite, I’d love to know.  Please feel free to share it with a link in the comments of this post or an email.

As we begin to wrap up Week 1, take some time to assess where you are right now mentally and physically.  Has your relationship to the foods you’ve been eating for the last 5 days changed?  Have you noticed any differences in how your body feels?  Are you having any intense cravings?  Are you moody, irritable, tired, sluggish?  Or are you feeling a little more agile, calmer, keener, livelier?  Do you plan on revisiting any meals after The Reboot?

 As we approach Week 2, planning is key!

With the majority of Farmer’s Markets happening tomorrow and Sunday, it’s another great opportunity to stock-up on the organic fruits and veggies you’ll need.  Take the fruits you’d like to make into smoothies, wash them, cut them up, spread them on trays and place them in the freezer.  After they are frozen, scoop ‘em into zip-lock bags.  If you don’t have access to a Farmer’s Market, peruse the freezer isle and look for organic frozen fruits.  There’s a link on the Recipe page to ‘Make-Ahead’ Smoothie Packs that I think are pretty brilliant.

If you know that you will not be home or near a blender for the majority of the day, make a double batch or an additional smoothie to take with you.  If you find yourself without a smoothie and are feeling famished, drink some (lemon) water until you can make your smoothie or purchase a whole-plant smoothie (or fresh-pressed juice) at a grocery store, usually found in the produce section. 

Smoothies aren’t all about fruit.  On the Recipe page of the website there are 2 links to over 70 raw soup recipes. RAW SOUP?!?!  Now before you go making that face (you know which one I’m talking about), I’m sure you’ve hear of gazpacho.  So head on over to the Recipe page and take a look at the recipes on the 2 links of over 70 raw soups and then find the gazpacho recipes I’ve shared.  Please keep in mind that if the recipes call for 'solid' foods, it’s best to include them in the blending process or omit them entirely during Week 2.

During the next two weeks, it may be challenging for some people to stay social.  Not being able to eat whole foods while at a social event or receiving an invitation to dinner at a friend’s or family’s home can be very awkward and maybe a little uncomfortable.  Fear not!  Offer to bring a cold soup, guacamole, or consume your smoothie before heading out and just enjoy their company while drinking a freshly-pressed juice.  Trust me, when your friends, family and colleagues SEE the changes happening to you, they’ll understand and may end up taking an interest in what it is you are doing.  If they don’t, welp, maybe it’s time to examine the relationship.


For those who have gone through the prior ‘cleanses’, this is a repeated statement but no less as truthful as before.  I want to take this opportunity to let you know that because of you, your willingness to participate in The Reboot, asking the questions, taking time to share what you’re experiencing and commit 21 days out of your lives to something I put out there...YOU inspire me! YOU are the ones who inspire me to inspire more people to push themselves to finding their paths, their voices, and their purpose here at this time on this planet through a healthy lifestyle. 

From the bottom of my huge heart - THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!

We all have an extraordinary power to change someone’s day for better or worse, and we have no idea how far-reaching that impact will be.
— Reflections from Earnest Dempsey

 As always, please stay in touch with your questions, concerns, victories and struggles.  

 The more we share, the more we learn.

 Supreme Blessings,


And we're off! Day 1 of Week 1 - Enjoy Eating Whole Raw Foods

Hey there!  Happy Monday and Happy First Day of The Raw Food Reboot!

I am so honored that you are on this path with me and over 400+ people from around the world! I never imagined that what started out as a funny little challenge between me and Bix would reach so many people.

If this is your first Reboot, I am truly so excited for you!  You are probably going to see some very noticeable changes not only to your appearance, but to your whole outlook on life.  Your mind will become clearer, your hormones more balanced, your demeanor more tempered, your body more agile and light.  You will literally be glowing by the end of The Reboot.  If this is your second or third Reboot (a.k.a. Roota's 21-Day Raw Food Cleanse), you know exactly what I am talking about!

The first few days, we may experience stomach discomfort, headaches, chills, strange tastes in our mouths, strong cravings and leg cramps.  All of these symptoms are to be expected as our body adjusts to the whole, raw foods we are all now feeding it.  Most of the symptoms are from the toxins that are being released from the sludge they once lived in.  Some are withdrawal symptoms from caffeine addictions.  In time, these symptoms will dissipate.  One of the most important things we can do to help alleviate them is making sure we are staying well hydrated.  I know how ‘boring' water can get so this awesome recipe is a wonderful way to get some electrolytes in our system along with keeping us in an alkaline state (THANK YOU LEMONS!!)

I want this to be a very fun and enlightening experience for you.  Don't over think this and keep it simple.  If you slip up, don't beat yourself up. Just get back up and try again.  Give thanks for the food that you will be consuming.  Take time to enjoy your meal, tasting what real food has to offer.

As always, I am here to answer any questions you may have, address any concerns that come up and share in any wonderful recipes, thoughts, ideas, discoveries, and struggles you have along the next 21 days.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

P.S. - Some of you may have already received this message through the gmail address If you’ve signed up for the newsletter, please be sure to add that address to your contacts. Many, many thanks!!!

Happy Saturday - 1 more day before we begin

Greetings and Happy Saturday to you,

I hope this finds you well and full of excitement and anticipation for Monday!

Today would be a great day to gather a few raw food recipes and create a shopping list of all the raw foods you will be needing in the next week.  No need to overload your fridge with all the food you will need for the three weeks.  I always find it's best to shop weekly for the freshest produce.

Many towns and city have Farmer’s Markets today and tomorrow loaded with lots of fresh produce for the taking, so grab that shopping list you created from the recipes you want to make and enjoy shopping outdoors from the people who grew that food.

Consider buying organic celery and carrots in bulk, washing them, cutting them all up into sticks and storing them in the fridge in reusable zip lock bags with a little of water.  They stay sweet and crisp and are a great grab and go snack.

Today and tomorrow will be a good time to put any fruits and veggies in the freezer for those smoothies we all love to enjoy for breakfast.  A great time saver for those with busy work weeks are these 'Make-Ahead Smoothie Packs'.

Have you written yourself a letter or made that list of reasons why you want to do The Reboot? Have you taken any close-up pics of your face or full body shots? These are huge motivators and markers for the progress that you will be making in the next three weeks so I sincerely encourage you to do at least one.

You are never alone while on The Reboot! I want you to know that I am really looking forward to hearing all about your raw food adventures, any questions or concerns, pitfalls and successes in the coming weeks. You can share comments below this post, connect with me (and the group chat) on Telegram (@TheAmyCWeir), follow The Reboot on Twitter and Instagram or email me anytime.

Cheers to your health and to the last 24 hours before your life may possibly change forever!


5-Day Count Down with More Prep Tips

Happy New Year Everyone!


I don’t know about you, but I’m not one to make New Year’s Resolutions. They seem so great at the beginning of the year, but let’s be honest, how many of them do we really keep. I make Daily Intentions using The 5 Second Journal from Mel Robbins. In the morning, just after my meditation, I use the journal to asses my mood, what I can do to feel more energized, decide what my top project is for the day, why I want to focus on that, and make a list of the smaller things that need my attention and whatever else is on my mind. This has really helped me to feel more accomplished and less overwhelmed. But enough about me…..

In just 5 days we begin The Reboot. During the first week we will be able to enjoy whole, raw foods. Many of us enjoy grabbing a handful of raw nuts and seeds (think trail mix) throughout the day as a quick snack. This gives me reason to share the benefits of soaking those nuts and seeds before popping them into our mouths.

Even though there are quite a few articles available on-line regarding this subject, I’ve summed up a recently published one here for you:

‘…when you eat a handful of nuts and seeds, you’re doing your body a lot of good. As small as they are, nuts and seeds pack a serious nutritional punch. 

Loaded with heart-healthy fats, antioxidants, and a boost of fiber, a little goes a long way. But here’s the catch: Along with all their health benefits, they also contain ‘anti-nutrients,’ which in large amounts can be harmful to your health. That’s why it’s always a good idea to soak your nuts and seeds before consuming them.

Soaking nuts and seeds before consuming them helps to break down their anti-nutrients. This makes nuts and seeds easier on the belly and helps increase their nutrient bio-availability.

Nuts and seeds contain a lot of good-for-you nutrients; yet your body needs to be able to access these nutrients for them to do you any good. The process of soaking nuts and seeds helps by reducing phytic acid and neutralizing enzyme inhibitors.

Basic directions on how to soak your nuts and seeds:

  1. Rinse off about 4 cups of raw, organic nuts or seeds – not previously blanched or roasted – with purified water.

  2. Place your nuts or seeds in a glass or ceramic bowl with enough purified water to completely cover them.

  3. Add about 2 teaspoons of sea salt – this step is important to help neutralize enzymes.

  4. Cover the bowl with a breathable cloth and let sit on the counter (soaking times below).

  5. When finished soaking, drain the water and rinse several times.

  6. Dry in the oven or use a dehydrator until completely dry.

Below is a list of recommended nuts and seeds to soak and the times for each:  


  • Almonds: 8-12 hours (soak for 48 to remove the skin)

  • Brazil nuts: 3 hours

  • Cashews: 2-3 hours (be careful not to over soak because they can become slimy)

  • Hazelnuts: 8 hours 

  • Macadamias: 2 hours

  • Pecans: 6 hours

  • Pistachios: 8 hours 

  • Walnuts: 4 hours 


  • Alfalfa: 12 hours

  • Chia*: 30 minutes 

  • Flax*:  30 minutes 

  • Pumpkins: 8 hours

  • Radish: 8-12 hours

  • Sesame: 8 hours

  • Sunflower: 8 hours 

*Keep in mind that chia and flax seeds are a little tricky to soak because they’re water-soluble and create a gel-like consistency. Nonetheless, it's still best to soak them to get the most nutrients out of them.

Many participants from previous ‘cleanses’ often find that breakfast is the most difficult meal to prepare during the first week. With a little planning and the help of a few of my favorite raw food website, you should be able to enjoy breakfast with meals like raw oatmeal, crunchy raw muesli, the ever-popular chia pudding, and the plethora of smoothie recipes available on-line and on the recipe page. Be sure to keep in mind while searching for breakfast items to omit matcha green tea due to it’s caffeine content and use any sweeteners like stevia, monk fruit, honey and maple syrup in moderation.

Lastly, there have been a few participants asking about discontinuing medication and supplements. If you are taking medication for a medical condition, do not stop taking it unless you have sought the advise of your physician, dietitian or trusted naturopathic doctor. I have heard of people discontinuing some types of medication towards the end of The Reboot, but that is completely at the discretion of the participant.

Supplements (such as multi-vitamins) can be discontinued while on The Reboot, but again, this decision is at the discretion of the participate.

Feel free to share your thoughts and comments below. And as always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me via email.

Cheers to your health and Happy New Year!!

21 days until the Raw Food Reboot Begins!

Greetings and Happy Holidays.

For those who just joined the Reboot - Welcome Aboard!

For those returning from the previous ‘cleanse’ - Welcome Back!!

Guess what?! In just 21 days, we begin the Raw Food Reboot! I can hear all your cheers right now.

I wanted to take this opportunity to present a few ‘prep’ suggestions to all of you newcomers and reminders to the veteran ‘cleansers’ out there!

  • Consider signing up for the Private Group Chat on Telegram for awesome support, advise, and lots of sharing of experiences, successes, pitfalls, hacks and laughs from fellow ‘Rebooters’. After setting up your account, search for @TheAmyCWeir and send me a message telling a little about yourself (where you are from is always one of my favorites) and why you would like to join the group.

  • If you are a regular drinker of coffee or caffeinated sodas, now is the time to start cutting back. This will greatly decrease the withdrawal symptoms during the first week of the Reboot. You can start decreasing the number of cups you drink in a day or blending your regular coffee with decaf coffee and upping your water intake!

If you do not already drink half your body weight in ounces of filtered or mineral water a day, now is a good time to becoming acclimated to it.

Find a container (or two) big enough to hold that amount and drink from it so you can become familiar with that specific amount of filtered water. There are many advantages to drinking that amount of water, some of which include: aids in digestion, helps the body regulate temperature, helps flush out waste and toxins, and helps to lubricate the joints and eyes.

Bonus tip, starting the day with an 8-ounce mug of warm lemon water helps boost ones immune system, support digestions, cleans out ones system, decreases inflammation, helps improve weight loss, clears up ones skin, helps fight infection, boosts ones energy and increases ones potassium intake.

  • If you don’t already own a blender, now is the time to get one. With so many makes and models, it’s easy to find one that will fit any budget.

  • I recommend getting a juicer. Although not absolutely necessary, it does make life a little easier, especially during week 3, when all you will be consuming are fruit and vegetable juices. If purchasing a juicer is not an option, definitely get a nut milk bag (which can be found at most health food stores or at my favorite on-line store Mighty Nest) to strain the pulp from the blended fruits and veg. Not sure which one to purchase? and have great videos that explore the many options.

  • Pictures are worth a thousand words”, so take a few photos of yourself before you begin the Reboot. Get some close-ups of your face and/or a few full body shots.

  • Nothing can really top buying fresh, local, organic produce so find out where a local Farmer’s Market is in your area.

  • Lastly, sit yourself down and write yourself (or me) a letter listing reasons why you are choosing to participate in this season’s Reboot. This, to me, will be the greatest motivator to keep you on track.

For more tips, expectations and suggestions, be sure to review the Pre-Boot page on the website.

As usual, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me via email or Telegram.